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Building Capacity 

EHF builds capacity through innovative programs that ensure current and future leaders have the strategies, skills, and tools necessary to successfully launch and manage high-performing organizations.

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Why Capacity Building? 

We have witnessed first-hand the incredible growth and resilience of the American Muslim social sector, with the number of nonprofit organizations doubling every ten years since 9/11. EHF has conducted ongoing social sector mapping of American Muslim and ally communities, creating an unparalleled understanding of the organizations in the space and the challenges that they face.


The passion and purpose is undeniable. Grounded in faith and values, the leaders in this space continually rise to meet the growing needs of our communities. However, despite the rapid growth, the sector remains in a developmental state, as organizations are underfunded, understaffed, and under increasing duress. The stress is further exacerbated in this era of anti-Muslim bigotry, as manifested in policies like the “Muslim Ban.”


Our comprehensive approach combines grantmaking with capacity building training, leadership coaching, and strategy retreats to support the development, sustainability, and self-actualization of American Muslim leaders to build high-performing organizations. Through this catalytic investment in cross-sector leadership, our hope is to see diverse, community-embedded leaders working alongside allies to build and scale responsive, agile institutions that work together to pen the next chapter of a more pluralistic America.


Learn more about our Capacity Building Programs:


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